Žaklina Žnajder



Job title

Zero Waste Programme Coordinator



Working Area


Languages spoken

Slovenian (Native), English (Fluent), Croatian (Intermediate)

Personal bio

Žaklina, with a deep-rooted passion for sustainability, pursued her master’s degree in Sustainable Development Management. Her interest in “zero waste” was sparked during her time in Bratislava in 2017, where she began actively adopting a zero waste lifestyle, particularly focusing on reducing plastic usage. This led her to seek employment with Zero Waste Europe in Brussels, marking her entry into the zero waste movement.

Upon her return to Slovenia, Žaklina joined forces with Ekologi brez meja, collaborating closely with municipalities to implement effective waste management strategies since 2020. She also enjoys organizing events that bring together both experts and enthusiasts to explore sustainable practices and their impact on waste management.

Since 2023, Žaklina’s schedule has been enriched by the joys and challenges of motherhood, blending seamlessly with her professional pursuits.

MiZA accreditation type

  • Zero Waste Cities Accredited Mentor
  • Zero Waste Cities Accredited Auditor

Zero Waste expertise

  • Reuse & Repair Initiatives
  • Waste Prevention
  • Strategy Development
  • Prevention of Food Waste
  • Single-use Plastic Prevention
  • Engaging Communities in Zero Waste Initiatives

Project experiences

  • Žaklina provides support and guidance to municipalities through the jointment process for the Zero Waste Cities certification. During 2021 and 2022, we managed to onboard 7 new municipalities (Kranj, Preddvor, Jezersko, Naklo, Šenčur, Škofja Loka, Železniki).
  • Žaklina was mentoring the first certified cities, Bled & Gorje, during the audit. Other three municipalities followed - Vrhnika, Borovnica & Log-Dragomer (2022).
  • Žaklina organizes study tours for the interested public, primarily consisting of participants from municipalities and waste management companies from Slovenia and abroad. Notably, in 2022, a Portuguese delegation from São João da Madeira visited Slovenia to explore the country's best waste management practices. This delegation included representatives from Guimarães, São João da Madeira, and Vila de Rei, the first Portuguese municipalities to become Zero Waste Candidate Cities. The study tour served as a valuable opportunity for them to learn about implementation measures.
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