Marian Lorenzo Quintela

Job title

Zero waste expert



Working Area


Languages spoken

Spanish (Native ), English (Intermediate )

Personal bio

Marian is a graduate in Political Science and Sociology, specializing in Social Anthropology, with a Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and the Environment.

She is an environmental consultant, auditor, and trainer with over 30 years of experience in the environmental field, having worked with companies, public administrations, and non-governmental organizations. Her expertise spans diverse areas, including environmental impact assessment, environmental plans and programs, urban planning, local development, environmental education and participation, sustainable tourism, FSC forest management certification, and waste management, among others.

In the last 10 years, Marian has focused her professional activity on waste management, prioritizing prevention, decentralized composting, and zero waste. She is a member and collaborator of Amigos de la Tierra, an environmental organization affiliated with Friends of the Earth Europe, and is an active member of Composta en Red, a network of local entities in Spain that develops domestic and community composting initiatives and provides training for employment in composting.

Since its creation in 2021, Marian has been part of the team of mentors and auditors for the Zero Waste Cities and Zero Waste Business international certification programs, which certify the best practices of municipalities and companies.

She enjoys growing her own food, cooking, exploring nature, and socializing with friends. She strongly believes in the power of associationism and is an active member of three associations.

MiZA accreditation type

  • Zero Waste Cities Accredited Mentor
  • Zero Waste Cities Accredited Auditor
  • Zero Waste Business Accredited Auditor

Zero Waste expertise

  • Waste Prevention
  • Strategy Development
  • Single-use Plastic Prevention
  • Organics Management and Composting
  • Engaging Communities in Zero Waste Initiatives

Project experiences

  • Marian has completed the audit for Hotel Oliveira in their first year of Zero Waste Hotel Certification.
  • Marian has completed the mentoring in the first year of Zero Waste Cities of the municipality of El Boalo, Cerceda and Mataelpino (Community of Madrid, Spain).
  • Auditor in the certification of several municipalities in Spain, Torrelles de Llobregat (Catalonia) in 2022 and Astigarraga, Hernani and Usurbil (Basque Country) in 2023. These municipalities became the first in Spain to achieve certification, and the process was very satisfactory and enriching for all participants.
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