“The Municipality of El Boalo aims to become a point of reference and influence to all the municipalities that want to pursue the same objectives and start their journey towards zero waste. This will boost the promotion of zero waste and circular economy practices and solutions at both the local and national level. That is why we have plenty of reasons to pursue the Zero Waste Cities Certificate, issued by Mission Zero Academy.”
Miguel Ángel García MarquetEnvironmental Councilor at the municipality of El Boalo
“The certification as ‘Zero Waste Candidate City’ underlines one more time our self-commitment to following the path towards Zero Waste. As first German certified “Zero Waste Candidate City”, we want to take on a role model and hope to inspire further cities in Germany to join the zero waste movement in the near future, too.”
Doris GrondkeHead of the Kiel department for urban development, building and environment
“The Municipality of El Boalo aims to become a point of reference and influence to all the municipalities that want to pursue the same objectives and start their journey towards zero waste. This will boost the promotion of zero waste and circular economy practices and solutions at both the local and national level. That is why we have plenty of reasons to pursue the Zero Waste Cities Certificate, issued by Mission Zero Academy.”
Miguel Ángel García MarquetEnvironmental Councilor at the municipality of El Boalo
“The certification as ‘Zero Waste Candidate City’ underlines one more time our self-commitment to following the path towards Zero Waste. As first German certified “Zero Waste Candidate City”, we want to take on a role model and hope to inspire further cities in Germany to join the zero waste movement in the near future, too.”
Doris GrondkeHead of the Kiel department for urban development, building and environment
“The Municipality of El Boalo aims to become a point of reference and influence to all the municipalities that want to pursue the same objectives and start their journey towards zero waste. This will boost the promotion of zero waste and circular economy practices and solutions at both the local and national level. That is why we have plenty of reasons to pursue the Zero Waste Cities Certificate, issued by Mission Zero Academy.”
Miguel Ángel García MarquetEnvironmental Councilor at the municipality of El Boalo