7 Nov 2023

Zero Waste Ambassador Training | Applications until the 19th November

Mission Zero Academy’s partner in Germany, Zero Waste Kiel has launched a new Zero Waste Ambassador Training that will start in December. This is course organised in partnership with Let’t Do It Foundation (lead partner) and Zero Waste Poland.

Apply here for the course. Deadline for application: November 19th 2023

The training is based on the Zero Waste Ambassador Curriculum.

Who can apply?

  • You are based or work in one of the following countries: Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland or Sweden
  • You have good working knowledge of written and spoken English
  • You work (including volunteering) in the field of waste management, zero waste, circular economy or any other sustainability field
  • At least some of your work is focused on local (municipality) level
  • You have in the beginning level of your zero waste journey and want to know more


The course will be composed of:

  • Pre-session online on the 7th December 2023 (2 hours)
  • Four online sessions on 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th January 2024 (3 hours each)
  • Onsite training in Kiel, Germany on: 25th, 26h and 27th of January 2024
  • Online assessment session on 7th February

  • There will be individual pre-reading and homework tasks for each session

The cost?

The participation is free for applicants with the support of The Council of the Baltic Sea States. Participants must cover their own travelling, dinners and accommodation costs.

After the training

Upon meeting all the requirements the participants will receive a proof of completion. Certified Ambassadors and Trainers from all across Europe are listed on the Zero Waste Europe’s expert page. An expert certification will give you confidence in carrying out your mission. It also can advance you in your career. Qualified knowledge in implementing circular economy is increasingly sought after in all sectors and various positions.

Apply here!