
Treating separately collected biowaste in MBTs – On the ground with Domantas Tracevičius

19th April 2022 - 2:00 PM (CET)

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Separate collection of biowaste is a significant requisite for the implementation of an effective and sustainable waste sorting system that’s on the way towards a circular economy.

Among other regulations, its importance is proven by Article 22 of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) which requires cities, all over the EU, to set up separate collection schemes for organic waste by the end of December 2023.

However, in order to process its treatment correctly, specific infrastructure is needed. This does not necessarily mean having to invest in the construction of new dedicated plants, unsustainable for the huge amount of costs and resources required. 

The solution stands in optimising existing structures, like MBT (Material Biological Treatment) plants, to treat separately collected organic waste, bringing numerous benefits for both the municipality’s pocket and the community as a whole. 

But how is it done? What are the costs, challenges and benefits of this choice?

In this MiZA webinar, together with Domantas Tracevičius, head of the environmental NGO Ziedine ekonomika, we take you on a virtual tour to the Lithuanian ARATC (Alytus Region Waste Management Centre), which runs the optimised Alytus MBT plant.

We take a look at the entire ARATC plant, from the biological treatment section to the mechanical sorting facility to have a first-hand experience of how such plants are structured in order to treat separately collected organic waste and how they work, discussing the challenges, costs and benefits that this transformation entails.

During the webinar, participants got the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker and to the ARATC representative. 

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In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How an MBT plant can be optimised to treat different waste streams more efficiently.
  • What are the costs, benefits and things to consider for such transformation.
  • How the residual treatment can be further optimised once the organics fraction is reduced through separate collection.


Domantas Tracevičius
Head of the environmental NGO "Ziedine ekonomika"

Domantas Tracevičius heads the environmental NGO “Ziedine ekonomika”, which promotes Lithuanian circular economy transformation on national, municipal and corporate levels. He is actively involved in educating Lithuanian youth about environmental and climate change issues and how to solve them. Domantas has spent more than 10 years in the waste management field and he has been involved in many projects in Lithuania and across Europe, including innovative projects such as waste-to-insect protein startup. Since 2022, Domantas runs one of Vilnius’ reuse stations (Stotelė “Dėk’ui”), which will train people with disabilities to help them find suitable jobs. Domantas has been an active member of the European environmental NGO, Zero Waste Europe, for several years now and is one of the strongest advocates within the European network. He also plays a very active role within the European Compost Network, as organics management is his area of specialization.

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