Since we launched the Zero Waste Cities Certification, a huge amount of questions were raised about the what, why and how of the Certification process.
Therefore, we interviewed Mission Zero Academy and Zero Waste Europe‘s team to answer the most frequently asked questions.
The Zero Waste Cities Certification is a third party assessed certification standard based on two different stages – the Candidate and Certified one – aiming to accelerate the transition towards zero waste and circular economy implementation at the local level.

Today we are asking Chiara Padovani, MiZA Digital Marketing and Communication Officer, to tell us why your municipality should join the Zero Waste Cities Certification.
Why should I join the Zero Waste Cities Certification?
There are several reasons why your municipality should join the Zero Waste Cities Certification.
Firstly, the Certification has been built as an independent third-party certification standard which guarantees its credibility and authenticity.
The political status and positive image that comes with it (becoming one of the European frontrunners cities to be certified zero waste) it’s not only prestigious but will also play a crucial role in attracting more funds, events, social jobs and opportunities to connect with communities both at the local and international level.
Secondly, even if consensus and awareness are growing around zero waste and circular economy topics (governments, as well as individuals, are starting to recognise the status quo of waste management is no longer sustainable), yet, there remains a sort of a gap in the level of understanding and knowledge on how to adopt zero waste strategies at the local level.
And here the Certification comes into play. If you are wondering, as a municipality, where to start or how to effectively implement your zero waste strategies, or how to be sure that your strategies are going in the right direction, then the ZWC Certification is the solution you are looking for.
Once you become a Zero Waste Candidate City, you will be given greater access to zero waste expertise, which will ensure that your plans are effective and impactful.
Through our expert-led training based on tried-and-tested Zero Waste methodologies, the Certification will provide you with a robust framework which is a sort of municipality to-do list for zero waste local-led implementation.
In addition to that, the Certification model has proven to be able to reduce waste generation and the expenditure on waste management, helping the municipality save natural and economic resources.
It also reduces the GhG emissions emitted by the municipality and, in doing so, it prevents its subsequent negative impacts on both the environment and human health.
Last but not least, another important aspect to consider when joining the Certification and accessing Mission Zero Academy’s world, full of tools, resources and experts’ support is the assurance of compliance with the EU and national legislation. A real opportunity to get ahead of the curve and always be updated with the latest policies in the field.
Want to watch the interview? Have a look here: